School Programs (Monday-Friday)
Half Day 8:30am - 12pm
Full Day 8:30am - 4pm
Before Care 7am - 8:30am
After Care 4pm - 6pm
18 - 36 Months
The classroom is both child centered and child-sized. It is designed to take advantage of the toddler’s natural drive to “do it myself”. It allows the child to explore their world in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment.
3 - 4 Years
Our consistent, routine schedule and prepared environment comforts students allowing their confidence and enthusiasm to grow daily! They are actively engaged in their studies with the freedom of choice.
4 - 6 Years
Our five-weekday program prepares each child academically and emotionally for an excellent transition to elementary. Students learn through hands-on experience, exploration and investigation.
Montessori is a continuum of education that allows children to build upon their experiences each year. They enjoy learning because they can pursue their interests on a deeper level at their own pace.
Advanced Curriculum Opportunities
At Stockton Montessori School we cover a wide array of topics and provide students with more opportunities to discover their interests and purse their passions. Subjects taught throughout the year and depth of content is based on class and student level.
● English (phonics, letter formation, sentence structure, writing, reading, etc.)
● Spanish (Toddlers learn daily, Older afternoon students that don’t nap learn weekly)
● Mandarin (once a week, afternoon students that do not nap)
● French (once a week, afternoon students that do not nap)
● Japanese (once a week, afternoon students that do not nap)
● numbers, quantities, sorting, counting, equations, etc.
● five senses, colors, shapes, textures, weights, dimensions, etc.
Practical Life
● Care of Self (food prep, dressing, hand washing, independence etc.)
● Care of Environment (gardening, care of pets, putting items back etc.)
● Grace and Courtesy (greetings, manners, social skills, communicating etc.)
● Control of Movement (refining movements, walking in a line, etc.)
● crafts, paint, draw, color, trace, cut, collage, etc.
Music & Movement
● singing, instruments, dancing, exercise, yoga, etc.
● History (calendar, time, holidays, foods from around the world, etc.)
● Geography (landforms, air, water, maps, etc.)
Earth & Space Science
● Weather, Astronomy, Geology: earthquakes, volcanoes, etc.
Physical Sciences
● Physics: magnets, gravity, energy etc. Chemistry: ice salt, reactions
● Biology (life cycle, living vs nonliving, habitats, etc.)
● Anatomy (body parts, systems, etc.)
● Zoology (animals, classification, insects, etc.)
● Botany (plants, parts of a flower, gardening, etc.)
Life Sciences*
*Please note culture subjects including science are taught at different times of the year based on scheduled themes.